Homemade Pancakes Syrup Is Very Basic Recipe To Follow. It Takes Three Minutes To make And three Ingredients Only. Customize The Syrup To Suit Your Taste.
Definitely worthwhile to make the syrup at home. Every Store brought syrup contains high fructose corn syrup. When you make pancakes and waffles often , then the best way is to make the homemade syrup and store it in the refrigerator. The Measurements to make the pancakes are very easy to remember, One cup of each – brown sugar , white sugar and water ( 1:1:1). Actually Syrup can be prepared much faster than the pancakes.
Customizing Your Syrup
Alternatively to the Maple syrup , you can use orange /lemon zest , cardamom powder or syrup , saffron syrup or strands , fresh fruit puree (any fruit) , tiny bits of chopped fresh fruits. Add any flavoring to the sugar syrup to your preference.
Brown Sugar Or White Sugar?
Just like we use Jaggery (cane sugar) to make the syrup for Indian sweets. Adding Brown Sugar gives the nice brown color to the pancakes syrup , else we need to caramelize the sugar syrup.
Note – Alternatively , you can also use full brown sugar or white sugar to make the syrup.
Storing The Syrup
Cool down the syrup completely and store it in a clean, dry air tight container / glass jar in the refrigerator for four to six weeks.
Serving Suggestions
Syrup can be served with pancakes , waffles , any desserts , drizzled over Ice creams .
Recipe for Best , fluffy and healthy pancakes are here in this link , check it out –
Step By Step Pictures How To Make The Syrup
Measure The Ingredients and keep it ready – Brown Sugar , white granulated sugar , water and maple syrup
In a pan add brown sugar , granulated sugar and water and heat it in medium – low flame only.
Stir until the sugar is dissolved. Bring it to boil. Now Set timer to exact three minutes and let the syrup boil . Stir occasionally. Switch of the flame and remove pan from heat.
Add maple syrup and stir. Let the syrup cool down completely. Syrup thickens after it cools down.
- Ingredients Required - Measure and keep it ready - Brown Sugar , white granulated sugar , water and maple syrup
- In a pan add brown sugar , granulated sugar and water and heat it in medium - low flame only. Stir until the sugar is dissolved. Bring it to boil. Now Set timer to exact three minutes and let the syrup boil . Stir occasionally. Switch of the flame and remove pan from heat. Add maple syrup and stir. Let the syrup cool down completely. Syrup thickens after it cools down.
*Keep the flame in medium - low at all times. Else syrup will start to crystalize and get burnt.
*Make sure to set timer once the syrup starts to boil and cook for only three minutes. Do not over boil it.
*Syrup thickens once it cools down.
*Troubleshoot - If you find the syrup to be too thick , or if you over boiled it , Then add 1/2 cup of room temperature water to the syrup and heat the syrup again on the stove in medium - low flame ( stir continuously) until the syrup is mixed well with water ( approximately one minutes ). Cool down completely to room temperature and store it in the fridge.
*Recipe for Best , fluffy and healthy pancakes are here in this link , check it out -
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Thanks so much. I couldn’t find a recipe anywhere. This was perfect.
You’re most welcome, Heather! I’m glad you liked it, appreciate your feedback!
Never tried to make my own at home but now I have no excuses.
Me too, never attempted to make the syrup at home, until I knew how easy, and simple it is to make the syrup at home. Very less ingredients, and you can make them fresh, without preservatives in no time. I hope you will like it too!!